Eye-Opening Experience!
I thought I'd share this with you, anyone out there post op but still struggling with your body image. I've lost approx. 85 pounds since my surgery but keep saying to myself, "I don't think I look that much smaller..."
Yesterday I was visiting with a very good friend (long-time) of mine. I wore a winter coat from last year -- when it just about fit me and I even had to have the zipper repaired because I busted it once when I sat down! THAT WAS LAST YEAR.
Yesterday, I could feel this coat was "kinda" bigger but still was "whining" to my friend...
So she MADE me stuff a bed pillow up my jacket while I was wearing it! Still roomy...huh, what do you know????
Well a bed pillow and two throw pillows later -- I was my "former" size. Helped put things in perspective...
Hey Lisa, Good job. I can just imagine you stuffing pillows up your coat. I bet you were both cracking up laughing. I know when I pulled out a fall jacket, the sleeves were about a foot too long, the shoulders were at my elbows. All around WAY TOO BIG. I started laughing out loud. Charlie came out to see what was soooooooo funny. He had a good laugh too, at my expense of course. Then I went out and bought a new coat. Oh, I brought the jacket to a PMRI meeting and gave it to someone to use instead of buying one on their way down thru the sizes. This can get kinda expensive otherwise. So girl, get out and get a new coat, maybe they are on sale as we speak. The bathing suits are already on the racks. ((HUGS)) Elissa
Thanks Elissa,
Since you know me well, you are so right!
This friend is a fairly direct person and it was PRETTY FUNNY. We were in the middle of a conversation and she just walked out of the room. I'm thinking "that's kind of rude" but then she came back and turned into a whirlwind. PUT ON YOUR COAT> STUFF THIS PILLOW IN> NOW ADD THIS ONE>>>
yup, we really did have a good laugh but she proved a point (very well!). I would really suggest it for anyone who is struggling with the same thing!!!
Hi Kit
When my best friend's husband heard that I had lost a total of 60 pounds since August, 30 pounds since surgery in December, he brought out his weights and set them for 60 and 30 pounds. Then he asked me to pick them up and carry them around the room. I could barely pick up the smaller weight. He then reminded me that whenever I needed a reminder of my weight loss, to stop over and he would bring out his weights for me to carry around the room.
I like the visual of putting the pillows in your jacket.
It is our true friends that help us keep life in perspective. Thanks for sharing.