re: Msg from North Carolina with love
hello to everyone from north carolina!!! hope you all
had a wonderful xmas/hannukah/kwanza/average winter
day....things down here are great. i'm very happy and
although i miss you all like crazy, this was
definitely a great move for me. i'm in the OR
everyday, and much more involved in direct patient
care in the hospital and in the office. the clerical
stuff is left to our "bariatric coordinator." true
the people down here are a bit more....delicate, but
i'm working on getting through without making them
cry. just didn't want you folks to think i'd forgotten
about you, and i do hear about all of you
frequently...i'm still dialed in i hope youre all
getting in your protein and exercising regularly...
all kidding aside i wish each and everyone of you a
happy, and most importantly healthy new year for all
of you and your loved ones. keep in touch. and if
youre ever in north carolina...give me a hollar.
ps...yes, i am playing golf on new years eve day and
new years day! and i played on xmas eve! i love the
south! hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks so much for forwarding Brett's message Elissa. Sounds like he is doing very well - so glad to hear it. Sure wish there were two of him though, as I (and many others I am sure) miss him terribly.
Wishing him much continued success and happiness! Oh and many, many more golf filled days!
To a Great Angel,
I'm sad to see you so far away, but will keep your kindness in my heart for always. I glad the move was a good one for you. I will miss your smiling face at the support meetings. As of today I am down 65lbs. Keep up your good health. Listen to your body and don't overdue to impress. Miss you lot already.
Cynthia Pistritto