Jus Me
on 12/23/04 6:59 am - My own little corner of the world
Elissa, you posted something that sounds really good to me tonight. But I am not quite sure how to actually make it. Could you please help me better understand. Do you use the full amount of carb countdown and make it like regular pudding and then add how much ricotta? Do you think you could also use low-fat cottage cheese? If you get this message before my dinner ... this is what I am having!!! YUMMY!!! Hugs, Tammy "Try to get in a couple spoonfulls of each. I do the SF chocolate or SF pistachio pudding, mix with low fat rigotta cheese, fat free carb countdown milk. Blend in blender. Tastes like moose. Loaded with protein."
Elissa H
on 12/23/04 1:10 pm - Wilmington, DE
Tammy, I small cotainer of rigotta, 8 oz maybe. Gosh I just picked it up, don't remember the size. low fat of course. 2 cups of carb countdown, also fat free. 1 box of pudding for taste. The pudding has no value just adds the flavor. It's the carb countdown and rigotta that have the protein. Cottage cheese has loads of protein too so sure you can substitute it. It is the same consitancy as the rigotta. No need for any additional splenda. The SF pudding is already sweet enough. Sorry so late, I worked today. Elissa
Jus Me
on 12/23/04 8:46 pm - My own little corner of the world
Thanks so much Elissa!!! Think I will be trying this today!!! Would love another way to get my cottage/ricotta cheese in!!! Especially in a "desert" form with that much needed protein. No need to apologize, totally understand. I am finding it harder to make it in here during these days as well. So much to do, so many places to be ... But isn't it wonderful to be able to work late and do all these things without it totally wiping us out??? Life is GOOD!!! Love ya!!!
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