I am Home!!
Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I made it through the surgery just fine. Turns out there was a hernia and good ole Dr. Irgau, patched it up for me as well.
The stiletto's worked like a charm. They are there waiting for my friend Maxi.
Thanks again everyone. It sure is good to be home.
Ellen, you tough gal you!
Already home! No way! A question for you, you risque femme fatale
...Do the stilettos come with black fish-net stockings? As far as the stilettos are concerned- sheist ... I could use those heels now, they might slow me down some ... put a kink in all the pacing I'm starting to do.
Oh and Ms. Viking Princess Val ... you got a boa or two to wrap me in cuz I didn't get anything fancy for my stay and I don't see hospital gown paired up with stilettos as a happening thing. C'mon, girl!! Wardrobe ...it's about the wardrobe. Hey, Linda ... picture this... a field, an Amazonian woman, a hospital gown, stilettos and a boa and the caption: "San-Max ...It's All About What You Wear"
Hey, I'm so glad you're home and doing well, Ellen! Keep taking care! Tis I- Sandra Maxine Bradford
Good to have you home safe and sound. Was worried about you roaming the halls in those stiletto's. Whew!!!
Doc I is good at finding those hernias ... found a pretty hefty one on me as well.
Take good care of yourself ... remember to push the fluids and walking. BTW - had that first shower yet??? AHHHHHHHHH the most wonderful shower I have EVER had!!!
Hi Ellen
So glad to hear that all went well. And on top of that, two surgeries for the time and price of one. I am glad that Dr. Irgau was able to patch up the hernia. Did you know that you had it prior to the surgery?
Somehow, I am having trouble picturing you wearing stiletto heals and walking around the hallway in the thin wraparound gown provided by Christiana Hospital all the while pushing the IV machine with all its wires and attachments. I am just not co-ordinated enough to pull that one off.
Will you be going to Saturday's meeting at PMRI? I would love to give you a hug.
How are you doing with the pureed foods? I have found that as long as I don't have to cook it from scratch and smell it, I am doing great.
Hope to see you soon. (((hugs)))