Size SAGA continues ...
I have those same pants ... REALLY!!!
Hubby made the same comment to me. "Your weight loss shows so much better in the pants that really fit." About the clown pants ... I had a pair of size 28 (I think) flannel jammie bottoms that I bought to wear to the hospital. Don't know who I thought I was kidding when I thought I could squeeze into a "flannel" pant size that small pre-op. I never did wear them then, cause being 100% cotton flannel they ran really small for the size. Anyway, after the hospital, they fit and I have been wearing them ever since. Can you imagine??? Anyway, they were so warm and soft and comfy, I felt I simply could not give them up, even if they were a tad big. Hubby bought me two more pairs in a size large when he told me that the other pair were WAY too big. And yet I continued to wear them cause they were thick, soft and oh so comfy and to be honest ... just good old comfy friends ... UNTIL one day a couple of weeks ago. I had them on ... tied as tight as I could get them. Anyway, I was walking through the house and all the sudden the simply fell down to the floor to my horror. Decided then and there that it was time to trash these pants and pull out the other pairs. When I tried on the new ones (large)... they were comfortably baggy also. Hubby just told me last night that they too were too big!!! Life is good!!! AND I Think I look REAL SEXY in them - hubby does not agree ... but he mentioned that they were for function (to keep me warm) not form!!!
Tiny Tammy,
Congrats to you! It's so exciting buying smaller sizes clothes. Valerie was shopping with me when I bought my first pair of size 8 pants. The tears started rolling. My last purchases have been size 6 pants and medium shirts. I'm still in disbelief. I so don't miss the size 28's and 3x's. Life just keeps getting better.
Best wishes,
Congrats to YOU!!!! What an awesome job you have done!!! I am so happy for you!!! I so know the tears ... although at first I was in shock ... when I tried the second pair on ... then the tears started rolling here also. Continue doing what you are doing ... it is certainly working well for you!!!
Yeah Tammy!!!!!
Praise God!!!! I am so very happy for you. I knew you were smaller than you thought you were. I think one of the hardest things (at least for me) is having our minds catch up with what our bodies are doing. And because we didn't like full-length mirrors too much before we don't often know the benefit of them now. They help US SEE WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!!! Really though, I am very happy for you and I hope you actually purchased one of those size 10's. Your morale will be boosted for a long time.
God Bless,
Thanks so much Mama!!!
Actually I did not purchase the size 10's ... I got a pair of 12's. Hubby said that I needed to get the 10's as they looked better but I felt a bit self conscious thinking that I actually felt I could wear a - any 10. Mind games at their best!!! I wanted to buy and wear the 10's, I wanted to shout it from the rooftops ... and likely the ONLY reason I didn't was because I was afraid that I would be making a fool of myself. That little thought in the back of my head ... "You can't possibly think that those 10's were sized correctly can you?" "You are still so fat ... the size 10's were just a fluke - get real!" I am so amazed at how those things still play such havoc with me at times! I hate it ... I still feel so fat, and yet I know I have lost weight ... but then I start comparing myself with others - WRONG answers for sure! I feel like I am the only one who is not losing well/right. It is all so hard at times. Especially when the scales really aren't moving much ... and yet the sizes suddenly decide they are going to change??? Real easy to tell yourself that it is just a fluke.
The pants still have the tags on them ... I am considering going back and trading them for the 10's ... Dare I be so bold??? I am considering it ... who cares if this particular pair/style of pants is the ONLY pair of 10's I can squeeze into ... it is at least one pair right? Who cares if it is a fluke? Just a few months ago, I don't think ANY size 10 would have come up over my knees!
Thanks so much for your wonderful encouragement. Means far more to me than you realize!!!