Changinlg Lives through Bariatric Surgery ~ Dr. Miller (Seaford)
Hi Everyone!! It has been forever since I have posted, I am sooo sorry. I am always coming by and reading posts here and there trying to keep up as best as possible. I have had a lot of major changes over the last 6 months, mostly good tho, so its not all bad.
Anyway let me get to my point, I was scheduled for my 1 year check up last week at Dr. Millers office. I had to call to reschedule and found out that as of Dec. 1st, the office will no longer be performing bariatric surgery, nor continuing to see bariatric patients AT ALL?!?! I was really taken back, does anyone know anymore to this story??? I asked the recepionist what happens to all of us post-op's bcuz this was to be a lifetime follow up.. she really wasn't sure and told me to call next week and they may have a better idea.
I was and am still vey shocked, Nanticoke hospital dedicated a whole floor to this surgery, they had a wonderful program ( to me, anyway) So, I just thought maybe someone else has heard something.... if so, please share.
PS. I finally added new pics to my profile too, feel free to check me out !!!
What a year it has been!!
Hi Jessica,
This was brought to attention a few posts down:
I have no idea what happened or how, but I'm sorry it did. I think it completely sucks that this surgical team left their patients high and dry without so much as the courtesy of notifying them that they will need to find alternative care, or setting them up with another doctor for follow-up. I hope I'm wrong about that, and they are planning to do something for the people who entrusted their very lives to them. Good luck.
Hey Jessica, I found out why. I cannot post the reason because a little birdie told me and I guess it is confidential. Too Bad because Dr. Miller is really cool. I am still scheduled for my 6 month. I double checked and was advised the Dr. Miller will still do my follow up. Hey, your new pictures looks amazing. ~Shelly