What a girl to wear???
Hey guys! My surgery is the 20th of this month
and I'm curious as to what to wear while at the hospital. I hate their ugly gowns but are they the most practical and advisable? Or, if I bring my own PJs should it be a nite-shirt or a 2 piece? And heels ... what about heels ...sling-backs? stilettos?
Seriously, what did you all wear? And what else did you take with you? Thanks! Maxi
Hi Maxi,
Less is more. Their ugly gowns are much more functional than anything from home, especially since you will be feeling rather like a cyborg with all the wires attached. Catheter too for the first day. They will put slipper sock booties on your feet when you get there. I never took them off and really never touched a thing I brought from home.
You really can never go wrong with a tasteful pair of medium heel pumps. I never wear stilleto's unless I'm having a baby! Pearls are nice tho.
Don't forget to take your pillow from home tho, it makes you SO much more comfy. Use a colored case so they don't steal your nice white one lol
Hey Maxi!
I wore a pair of sweat pants and a button shirt (wanted something easy, in case I came home with the drain), as well as my sneaks. I took a moshi pillow (on the advise of some very knowledgable friends) and chap stick, a toothbrush & toothpaste. The only thing I forgot was a brush for my hair (not that I had to look at it!).
Seriously, less IS more. The only other thing I would suggest (if you are hot-blooded) is a small personal fan. My room was extremely hot the 1st night.
As far as the heels? You go girl! Sling-backs are VERY sexy!
Talk with you soon!
From pumps to pole dances!
Ellen, a pole dance? Who knew?! And Linda, birthing in heels ... a REAL woman! You guys are too much fun!!! So, back to the serious matter at hand ... it sounds like
A. I should wear the easy-but-chic sweats/t-shirt to and from the hospital and
B. I should stick with the beautiful but oh-so-practical hospital gown while I am there. (which will be how long...2 days?)
Furthermore, in addition to my undesirable psychodelic-motif pillow
I should
C. also bring a moshi pillow. Big question here, girls .... what is a "moshi" pillow (is there any head-banging and body-piercing involved?)
Once again, thanks! You guys are great! - Sandi ("Maxi" on the posts just to differentiate me from all the other Sandys and Sandis out there. Can't have my very own angel (Valerie) getting confused as to who the blazes I am, now!) So anyway, to re-cap: Please give a clear Yes/No answer to A and B. And please give a detailed essay on C. Bye-Bye, now
G'mornin Maxi aka Sandi who is avoiding confusion,
A. Yes
B. Yes...and yes, most likely 2 days
C. I have NO clue what a moshi pillow is but am more than familiar with a mosh pit....ahh the days of my misspent youth LOL. Hmm, I'd think headbanging and piercing are option but hey, slip the docs a few extra bucks and maybe they will poke some extra holes during the surgical breaks! Hmm, well this intestine is being a bugger, let's go have a coffee and get back to it after lunch.
Valerie and the word confusion all in the same sentence, now there's a thought! *running and hiding from her now
Ok, I just googled the moshi pillow. Here's where I break the OH rules and post a link to an outside site
Muhahaha, I feel so evil for 5:30 am rule breakage!
I never knew what these were called! I have seen them and they are so squishy cool, I want one! I think I saw them most recently in Walmart. Must stop there and see if I can moshify myself soon.
PS, Ya know I met Ellen in the docs office one day. Pole dancer...who'da thunk it! *whistles*
Head banging and the pit ... things of the past??? Ahhhh come on Linda ... I am just getting started!!!!
BUT and this is a BIG but ... I think I will leave the pole dancing to you ladies ... I have recent visions in my head of those tight ugly tan side buttoned jeans with all the buldges, bumps and ... welll .... never mind .... just going to leave the exotic dancing to ya'all!!!