what about constipation?
Hi Rose,
I suppose any time we are eating less and focusing on protein moreso than fiberous foods it could lead to constipation. This was an issue for me early on until I found a routine that worked for me. I don't follow a 'low carb' plan at all like many do. I include plenty of these foods because I feel they are important to be healthy. Adding in veggies and fruits ( when you're ready of course ) is pretty easily done and can be incorprated in lots of ways to make it easily doable:
1.the early stages you can puree fruits and add them to protein shakes.
2.Include items that can do double duty such as chili with beans, refried beans etc. Put on some extra shredded cheddar and let it melt in. That ups your protein content alot as well as allowing you to eat needed fiber. it doesn't always have to be an either or situation as to making a choice ..The 'shall I eat fiber or protein for this meal ' question. Once again, easliy pureed during the first phase and left whole there after.
3. You can use fiber suplements like Benefiber and the like. I would suggest you be very careful adding these in as they can cause problems if added too quickly. I had a problem with Benefiber early on and had symptoms of an obstruction that scared the heck out of me. I worked with Brett about it and thankfully the situation resolved itself. it was VERY scary and I decided not to use those supplements.
4. You can use flax seed. ( once again, make SURE you check with the docs to see if this is ok depending on what stage you're in ) Flax has great benefits other than releiving constipation and I use it faithfully every day. I grind a small amount at a time and keep it in the fridge in a sealed container. I add about a teaspoon of it to a salad every day. I also use it in cottage cheese, oatmeal and soup. It provides essential fatty acids as well as drawing needed moisture to the bowel area to help make bowel movements larger and softer. I read where alot of people say not to expect "normal" bowel movements after surgery because our food intake is so small. I disagree with that completely. It is VERY possible to have normal size after surgery.
5. Exercise and water...can't stress this enough! Both go a long way halping things to run smoothly.
6. Colace. I used this right after surgery and still do. Not a stimulant laxative and non habit forming.
Good luck!
It may be common, but not always a given. I have not had that particular problem, nor have I had the gas after surgery problem. Just wanted to let you know, that these things while they may be possible or perhaps even probable, are still not necessarily givens.
Wishing you the very best with your upcoming surgery!!!
Rose, Hi...I was just browzing through the posts and I saw yours. I had an issue just last week with constipation...it was so bad I almost went to the ER. I work at my PCP so I talked to her and we discovered that in my case it was coming from my change in my iron supplement. I am 4 months post-op and I had gotten "gentle" iron @ Rite-Aid and it says on the bottle "non-constipating formula" recommened for vegans. Well, I ran out of them so I just went to GNC and got any old iron supplement.....BIG MISTAKE! Once we figured it out I stopped taking the GNC iron it took 4 days to get out of my system...oh the pain! I marched right to Rite-Aid on New Castle Avenue and got 2 bottles so I wouldn't run out. Good luck!! Hugs, Susan