Oh, Linda. Thanks for asking. She's doing much better, it was a very large kidney stone. She still has a stent (sp?) in. She's home but not back to work and they haven't said or done anything else in regards to the blockage that they had suspected. Her ulcer is almost healed, too.
Sorry I didn't update.
I've been wondering about your sister. I still think a lot about your family.
And how hard it is on you and her daughter, too. I was thinking how fortunate for your niece that you help out and that you probably are her rock. God Bless.
I'm off tomorrow, having a repeat EGD to check the status of my ulcer. Hoping that little bugger is healed. It doesn't bother me any longer and I've been a good girl taking all the meds for it.
Hi Dianne,
Glad she is feeling better and I'm glad you're ulcer troubles are better too. UGH what a pain, literally and figuratively huh lol. My sister is not doing well at all. She is finishing up her 3rd week in ICU. I haven't even been in because she developed infection and we were told she is contagious. They took her to surgery the other day and gave her a trach and a feeding tube, other than that she has pretty much been unresponsive for a week now. No hand squeezing and basically no reaction at all when she's awake. It doesn't look good at all, and as with all family's we have our 'extra stuff' and long term conflicts etc. to deal with. You know how that goes. Anyway, here's hoping your EGD gives you a clean bill of health tomorrow...enjoy those mind eraser drugs!
I posted above about the ulcer (almost gone) and egd fiasco.
I am so sorry to hear that your sister is not doing well. Life changes on a dime and you are such a strong and caring person and I am honored to call you friend. I know it is not easy for you. Anything I can do for you, please call. I think you have my numbers. 655 9871 & 898 6079.
You seem to be dealing with this situation on a day by day basis. Please post here with news or just air your feelings and concerns as I know how frustrating it is to just wait for things to change and pray to God for a loved one in need.