2 Week Post-Op Check Up
I went in to see Dr. Irgau today and get a two week check up from surgery #4. Well there was great news....I got the bag taken off. I no longer have to have the tail and measure how much "green" stuff was coming out of my "old" stomach. Then the other news....I have lost too much weight (who would have ever thought, me lose too much weight). So the tube that is in my "old" stomach can also be used as a feeding tube. You guessed it, yours truely has to feed myself through this tube six or seven times a day. I get to eat normally too. The feeding tube gets Boost. Boost has a high amount of sugar in it and I have tried it before, but since this goes threw the "old" stomach it doesn't affect the "new" section. I have learned how to do this and almost mastered it already, but I do feel a "full" feeling when I feed the old stomach so I must alternate when I eat and feed the tube. They move the precocet to two every 6 hours instead of every 4, to get me off the pain meds. I still need them yet, so we didn't want to go cold turkey. I will go back in two weeks (the week before Thanksgiving). I just don't have a desire to eat and I get full very fast. It is from the pain meds and the balloon in me from the feeding tube. Hopefully now I will start to get a little more energy and get to adventure out a little. I have been pretty much house bound these last two weeks and I am not even complaining, that is scary. You know I am not myself when I can stay house bound and not complain. It was great to see everyone at the office again, I miss them and I miss being there. I hope to make it to the next PMRI meet, we will see.
Hugs to all-
I certainly hope this is the end of the tunnel for you... I know where you are coming from. I hated wearing that darn drainage tube/bag. I unfortunately had to wear mine for 3 months. It felt so good to finally be able to get a "real" shower! Take it easy! We need to get you back on track for good! Hope to see you soon... keep in touch.
It is so good to hear from you. Make sure you get plenty of rest now ... cause you have a whole BUNCH of fans who are waiting for you to help stir things up a bit at the meetings!!!
Can you imagine just how many hugs you are going to have to endure when you first come back??? So for now ... your training is to get plenty of rest to prepare for your 5K - Hugfest!!!
Seriously Nicki ... so good to hear from you. I continue to keep you close in prayer and am looking forward to the day that you post that you are 100% once again!!!