Supersize Me
I rented this last night, whoa...all I can say is jeeez louise, what a documentary. I was just sitting here planning to post to see if any of you had seen it yet when I came across this thread on the main board. I replied to her. I'm including the link. Curious if any of you have seen it and your thoughts?
Haven't seen it ... thinking about renting it. Not sure yet though. My stomach is pretty funny sometimes, and I am not sure it would be good to watch it right now. Sometimes watching others gorge, keeps me from eating for quite a while. Is it THAT kind of movie? Otherwise I think it would be good information for me ... stuck in the middle on this one. Not sure which way I am going to jump! ![](
Hi Tammy,
It's pretty low on the gross out factor, just a couple of incidents. it's really graphic in an informational way if that makes sense ( yeah, ok so when do I make sense lol )
They go through this experiment with him eating nothing but McDonalds for 30 days, he is monitored extensively by a team of docs and they show you all the changes he goes through from amedical standpoint eating that type of diet. You also get to see a gastric bypass performed lap. I say watch it!