Maury Povich Show

Shawna L.
on 10/27/04 4:26 am - Philadelphia, PA
I DID IT!!!! I actually made the call. I don't know if I'll get picked for the show or not, but just making the call was a big step for me. I would really love to go on National TV and tell my story about what Gastric Bypass Surgery has done for me. I'm not at my goal weight yet, but loosing 163lbs has made me into a new person and so I'd like to share that with others. I'd also like to make people aware that Gastric Bypass surgery is only a tool and not a quick fix to weight loss. I'd like to help people understand that the real success comes from being totally disciplined and committed to changing your eating habits and way of life, not just for 18 months, but for the rest of your life. So I really do hope that I will get picked for the show. Shawna Postop 380lbs/218lbs/160lbs goal weight
on 10/27/04 4:50 am
Way to go Shawna! I hope you get chosen for the show! It takes courage to go on national tv and discuss something so private I wish you the best of luck! Elizabeth M 334/229/?
on 10/27/04 5:53 am - New Castle, DE
Fingers crossed, Shawna. I am so hoping they pick you. Dianne
Sweet N.
on 10/27/04 7:16 am - Weightloss City, DE
Hey Shawna - I hope you make it! Congratulations on all your success! blessings - B
Ms. K.
on 10/27/04 7:32 am - PA
Way to go Shawna! I hope you get chosen too! I am so tired of seeing all the sensationalized stories out there where they make the process look totally different than what it really is. Like it's magic, or it's easy, or it's whatever. I'd love to see "one of us" tell the public what it's really like -- how much testing and following up and pretesting and thinking and screening is REALLY necessary to make it work. Anyhow, let us know the outcome, OK?
Val H.
on 10/27/04 8:27 am - Newark, DE
Shawna - That is way cool! I'm proud of you for being so brave. Let me know if you get picked..I'd like to be in the audience! Way to go! Valerie
Shawna L.
on 10/28/04 7:39 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hey Val, I've missed you my dear friend... You definitely know, I'll call you if they pick me. I'm still planning on coming to the meeting next week also. We'll touch base about that within the next few days.
on 10/27/04 9:23 am - Newark, DE
I made the call also and got a call for my stats and asked to supply photos.....maybe I will be lucky enough and get picked too!! Hope
on 10/27/04 10:19 pm - New Castle, DE
Good Luck !!
on 10/28/04 12:29 am - New Castle, DE
Great! Hope. I'm wishing for you, too.
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