The Wierdness I posted about
Thank you all for your input, I have been reading each one and digesting your takes on this. The funky thing about it was when reading your replies, you all managed to touch on at least a small part of what I was feeling.
Seeing people eat things, either in quantity or in choices they make, doesn't bother me at all, I find sometimes I am amazed at the amount of food people eat and even more amazed that i was right there with them not that long ago!
I have been giving this alot of thought and I have come to the conclusion it is mostly the " what if something goes wrong " in if I am somewhere and have a problem will they be able to help me....and the bowel thing is very scary to think about having a problem with. I have found that those fears don't necessarily go away after you come through surgery ok.
I think it's when I'm very busy I'm not thinking about those things, but when you get a quiet moment like I did the other night and get a chance to step back and survey people doing normal everyday things, that's when I remembered I'm different. LOL if they get constipated they don't automatically have it in the back of their mind OMG what if it's a bowel obstruction or something along those lines.
This was by far the very best thing I have ever done for myself and I'm totally reaping the benefits. I guess it just serves as a good reminder that no matter how easily we come through the initial surgery, or how prepared we are...we all continue to have issues on some level that must be dealt with and kept in perspective lest they get out of hand.
Thanks for the help and the food for thought, that's the kind of food I still love in quantity! You guys are the best.