I am starting to feel like a lab experiment
Hi everyone
I am starting to feel like a lab experiment. Today, I went to the family doctor, she confirmed the heart doctor's recommendation. She reviewed the stress test and said there is a definate blockage in my heart. I also got my flu shot.
Later in the day, I went to the lung doctor. He saw something irregular about my heart in the chest xray. Go figure. I told him that I was scheduled for the catherization/angioplasy for Monday, October 18th. He says my lungs look good. However, he wants me to have a sleep test.
At PMRI, I saw the nurse practioner and the psych consult. I was honest in answering the questions for the psych consult. So now they want me to have some theraphy sessions regarding food issues. I binge. I agree that it is best to get all the help you can get prior to having the surgery.
The PMRI pysch people are not covered by my insurance. I found out about this later today. So I cancelled the 4 appointments that I made with Lisa. Has anyone else had additional theraphy sessions. I want to see someone in the evenings that is covered by my insurance, AETNA. I want to start the work on my head and start to deal with my food issues prior to the surgery.
Tonight, I had my first Life Counseling Skills Class. Really nice people. I start a diet in the morning. I am going to miss my second class because of the surgery, they told me that I could make it up.
I finish my physical theraphy this week at Nova Care. They are preparing a home program for me. I will really miss the pool.
Did anyone else have trouble remembering all their appointments? I don't know if I am coming or going.
Hi Rose,
Sorry to hear about your blockage
I hope it all works out for you. Yes it is definitely hard to keep all the apointments on track. It makes you completely dizzy and its quite stressful! Take it one step at a time and know that it will happen in time
You will get there, unfortunately it is a long process but the docs want us to be as healthy as possible before getting this major surgery! You have the right attitude with it all so far and you will do wonderful
I have atena and had Lisa and I cant remember if it was covered...but yeah I dont think it was I think it cost me 100 dollars.
Its ashame that PMRI cannot get people that they know mostly all the insurance companies will cover. I wish I could point you in the right direction. Ask the surgeons what they think you should do in regards to that and what they will accept in regards to whom your insurance carrier will cover. I wish you the best and hope it all works out for you. Im sure it will!
God Bless!
Elizabeth M