WLS-NDE Celebrates it's one year annivesary!

Rob S.
on 10/5/04 1:03 am - DE
The Northern Delaware Support Group celebrated it's one year anniversary yesterday evening in Newport, DE. Of the seventeen posties attending the session we had an average of just over 100lbs. per person lost. Attendance was not as good as most months, probably because PMRI has decided to hold meeting on the same night, but it gave people a lot more time to talk through issues and talk about their concerns.
Jus Me
on 10/6/04 10:52 am - My own little corner of the world
Hey ya Rob!!! I did not realize that that group was that new. Interesting stats ... I would be real interested to know the average length of time post-op these 100 pound loser are? Would you happen to have an average? Sure wish I could make to to the evening meetings!!! Could sure use the extra support. Take care Rob!!! Thanks for the post! BTW - any word from Jane??? Tammy
Rob S.
on 10/6/04 12:46 pm - DE
Jane was at the meeting and was really happy. She reported losing 215 pounds in one day. Go figure. You have to know Jane for further details.
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