Immmmm homeeee
Hi gang
Im home now a bit tired and a bit sore. Saw Betsy as I was leaving and she was up and walking around. I didnt get to see Val but she did stop in and saw me yesterday. Thank you all for the e-amil and well wishes. I'm going to rest now but will be checking back for an update on Val. Have a great dayyyyyy allllll
Welcome home!!! That was the very best feeling for me to get home to my own environment. And that first shower was indescribably wonderful!!! Continue with the walking, sipping, breathing, resting and etc ... I know you have the drill down, but as your angel it is my civic duty to remind you!!! Sorry, but I want to do all I can to help ensure that your recovery will be as smooth as possible for you. And as always, please let me know if there is anything I can help with.
Hugs and congratulations!!!