New Office Location - Directions
Hi gang. I had an appointment with Dr. Wynn on Friday & they were giving out directions to the new office & the location is effective immediately as they are moving things this weekend. (DANG KAREN & Tina - They are EVEN closer to you then before!! - well from work. ))
This is what the flyer says:
Please note that as of July 31st, 2004 we are moving out office
New address:
537 Stanton-Christiana Rd
Suite 102
Newark, DE 19713
Apex Building on Rt 7
Leave this building & go right onto Rt. 4, stay in left lane. BEFORE you reach Rt. 7, make the last left turn and then the first right. Follow the road past First State Lazer Et****il the roal deadends. We are the LAST building, #537. Come in the double doors and procede to hallway past the elevators on the left. Suite 102.
Thank you for your Cooperation in this manner (Matter?)
We hope that our new office will serve our patients more effectively.
Our phone number remains the same 302-369-4300.
SOOOO if you have any questions just give them a call.