Post op question
I'm five days post op and started pureed food yesterday. My questions is is it normal not to be sick. I've tried tuna, cottage cheese, yogurt, & mashed potatoes all without . I am being very careful about measuring portions and only eat the 2oz recommended at Christiana. I'm not getting in six meals right now, more like three. I just expected to be sicker than I am. I do often get a tight feeling across my entire abdomen kind of like a pressure. It's not always associated with food. It's uncomfortable and sometimes painful but not always. Just wanted everyone's opinion.
Hey, If my scale is right, I've also lost over 20 lbs from my pre op appointment. Only leaves 150 to go.
I am 10 days post op and also have been very fortunate all of the same foods agree. I too am worried about not getting all 6 meals + vitamins + meds + the most important PROTEIN. I did have one night where I tried sugar free ice cream with 1/2 cup of milk and one scoop of chocolate protein powder, I thought I would get creative and threw in 1/4 banana I couldn't drink the whole shake and paid dearly with a fullness in my stomach. From that moment on I take it one day at a time and one meal at at time with the focus on protein. Good Luck and continue your good meals!
Seems like you are doing well... I hope you don't jinx yourself... lol Keep up the good work and I hope everything remains smooth for you. As for the 6 meals... you will work your way up to that. Start off small and each and everyday will get better!
Best Wishes in your journey!
-124 lbs. 9-11-02
I'm three weeks post op and haven't been sick, praise God. I've been on solid food since I left the hospital (Dr. Miller is my surgeon). We only eat three meals a day. The point is, pureed or solid, three or six meals per day, we don't have to get sick to be normal. If we follow our doctors' orders, call when we have a question, and focus on getting well, then we're on the right track for healing. May your healing progress well and your road to recovery be rapid.
Diane C.
Theresa, What a blessing. Don't you think. To not be sick is pretty great.
Now you'll know what you worried about all those months before your surgery. Surprise isn't it. Six meals will have to be worked up to. It won't happen for a few weeks to a month. Sounds like you are right on track. The noises and feelings are all new and you'll figure them out eventually. I still don't know what hungry or full feels like. I really try to get in my proteins, water and vitamins that are required and I am satisfied. No real cravings for anything. What a mystery this WLS is. What a true blessing for me. Keep up the good work Theresa, you'll do fine. ((HUGS)) Elissa
Terry, I'm 4 days post op and I start pureed food today. I'm not doing 6 meals of 2oz either. I to feel a little odd ( and thankful) because In some ways its like I never had surgery. At night sometimes I get a little soreness, no pain I think its because im doing a lot, but only what is allow. So glad you're doing so well ...judy
Terry and Cindy,
Congrats!!! I'm glad you are both doing so well!!! It's a great feeling. As for me...I was just like both of you. I didn't feel sick, and still haven't except for a couple small mistakes. Hopefully you will continue on the same path and not experience that nasty Dumping for a long, long time.
Just measure and keep track of EVERYTHING you put in your mouth!!