Good-bye 200's!!!
I'm kickin' ya to the curb...FOREVER!!!!
I am so excited to say the scale FINALLY moved at the nurse's office at work today. I was beggining to really fret about this scale thing, even though my clothes were getting loose. I know, I know...but I was!
So...although I'm still considered 'obese' I am so happy to see 197!!!!
Going, going, gone... and it seems like only yesterday that I was telling you "girls" to tuck in those t-shirts. You are looking great, better each time I see you. Happier too. Remember "obese" is in the eye of the beholder. Great progress. I just hope that the scales at Dr. Irgaau's new office don't recalibrate themselves whe they make the move in August. Keep kicking those pounds out.
Your bud, Rob.
You DID IT!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm so so so so so happy for you, I just want to cry. I don't think I've seen the scale under 200 since about 9th grade and it is finally so close. I know you saw it more recently then that but I know what a meaningful goal this is none the less. Jose & the kids must be so proud of you Karen. I know I am, you ROCK!!