PMRI Meeting-last Saturday
I thought the meeting on Saturday was very informative and had updated information. I found the fact about us to have sublingual-liquid-chewable vitamins for the rest of our life to be a great benefit. It makes sense, that our bodies absorb the vitamins so much better in those forms. Then also that we need to add Biotin and Folate. I did go out and buy the Strawberry Viactiv Chews and they are ok, I still prefer the carmels the best. That is just a matter of preference. I am a strong believer in Isotonix Vitamins for us, also. For those of you who weren't able to make Saturdays meeting, please go tomorrow night. It was very informative!
Take your vitamins-
Sorry I spelled your name wrong in my last post ...
But you are right, I think this last meeting was the most helpful that I have attended. Not sure I agree 100% with absolutely everything, but then again, my lack of a medical licence could be cause for that. Certainly gave me food for thought, and will cause me to do more research.
And I am with you ... on that TAKE YOUR VITAMINS band wagon!!! You simply can not get around this one ... if you want to have a chance to remain/gain your heath.
BTW Nicki ... you look WONDERFUL!!! I wanted to get a chance to tell you that in person, but things got a little hetic and I did not get a chance to talk to everyone that I wanted to .... but truly, you look good physically and most importantly, you look healthy. That is what I am shooting for also.
Who BTW, has been taking ALL her vits, water and Protein !!! (still working on getting the calories up - if I could do it in Potato Chips I would be okay ... but alas I digress ... *oh sigh*)
I found this meeting very informative too! I was glad that someone had told me about it. I have only been taking Viactiv Chocolate (Calcuim) and Multivitamins for three weeks. But after this meeting I see I need more than what I am doing. I am not sure my medicine cabinet can handle another bottle of pills.
Can you supply me with more information on Isotonix Vitamins. Are they chewable or liquid form. I really hate pills this days. I hope that improves with time.
I'm just curious about something during our vitamin meeting...
Has anybody actually done the calculations on what are actually spending with separate vitamins vs the Optisource? And I'm not sure I totally understood how we can take them if they are combining the calcium and the iron?
I went to Walgreen's com and they have them there for $24.99....
Btw, I really enjoyed seeing everybody! You all look marrrrveeelous!