do we have to do anything inbetween our pre op appointment and surgery?
Denice, Clear liquids last 2 days prior to surgery and hopefully you have stopped any Ibuphrofen, aspirin, advil or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs a month prior. Hopefully you will shower daily, wash your hair, get a pedicure & manicure. Remove any polish from hands and feet. And above all get some chapstick for the hospital. ((HUGS)) Elissa
You need to take all of the helpful hints with a grain of salt. The two practices in Delaware differ greatly. Most of the posts above are for CHRIAS (Dr. Wynn and Irgaau) for pre-surgery. Changing Lives which I think operates out of Seaford has a totally different regimen. If in doubt, which if the safe way to be, check with your surgeon.