When the Struggle begins...and it will...
Just read this over at Barbara Thompson's website. It might be helpful for those who have had the surgery and are MORE than six months out, and are now slipping back into old habits. Hope it gives you a lift or at least rings that little bell in your head to get you kick started again. I especially think number 6,7,8 and 9 need to be followed.
I want to share some of the things I have learned from my RNY experience. Sharing these things with others helps me focus on what is important- staying on track. Here it is in list form.
1. I am pampering myself. This is MY year. I don't beat myself up for failing occasionally. I just get back on the wagon.
2. I reward myself with small, non-food indulgences.
3. I like my protein drink in the morning. Find a protein source you DO like, and use it.
4. Find an exercise program that you WILL keep doing. I found that I love to bicycle. I have become a road menace, and I love it.
5. I found that my food tastes great, the first few bites. When it no longer gives me that intense taste, I stop eating. It is enough.
6. I take personal responsibility for what I eat, and for when I quit eating.
7. I attend and participate in my support group meetings. It keeps my need for ongoing vigilance in the forefront.
8. Not everyone understands what and why I am doing what I do. Naturally thin people have NO CLUE.
9. I have a food addiction, and I expect I always will have. I am responsible for every mouthful - everyday.
10. I find that speaking a daily affirmation, spoken out loud to myself, helps me stay on track. So does prayer.
11. I fast once a month, for two meals. I find it strengthens my willpower. I give what I would have spent on food to charity.
12. I keep a food diary of every morsel that passes my lips. I do this especially when I feel I'm out of control.
Anonymous (by request)
This is the link to the website which I find to be extremely helpful:
Barbara provides a free e-newsletter and discusses issues that post-GSB people are going through. It is pretty cool!
Thanks for that Rob,
Its always good to be reminded. Im 4 months out and already notice the certain old habits lurking around. I dont so much indulge like I did before, if I do its pretty excusable becuase I monitor how much I eat. BUT the protein intake is harder for me. I always always need to keep that in check. Exercise is a big one for me. I have been struggling just to keep walking everyday, I'm not an exercise person so its always hard to keep that in check. Unless Im on vacation and near water then Im an exercise freak because I just love the water and swimming. I need to find myself a pool! Thanks again for the tips
Elizabeth M
Hi Elizabeth. I love the water too. At my 1 month anniversary I started to go back to Kirkwood Fitness and just do water arobics for 30 minutes. Then at 6 weeks I had an exercise evaluation at PMRI. $90.00 Then I took those exercises to the trainor at Kirkwood and both places concurred on my program. I'm up to 25 minutes on the nautical equiptment, 20 minutes on the treadmill and 45 to 60 minutes in the water. It really is helping me to loose weight and firm up at the same time. I'm up to 95 lbs lost since January 26th. If you or anybody else wants to be a guest, let me know I have a bunch of free passes. I live north Wilmington and go to the Kirkwood on Naaman's Rd. ((HUGS)) Elissa