Well Boys and Girls I got home from the hospital on tuesday night..I had a pain attack in my abdomen on Thursday...Went to the hospital on Saturday. It ended up being gall stones!!! You wanna talk about painful..wowers...But DR. Irgau to the rescue...He came in and did the surgery and I was in minimal pain...The only problem was now my abdomen looks like swiss cheese..lol ...But just a bit of advise for those of you post op...watch your fat intake...it could cause gall stones..Well Talk to everyone later...
Good grief. We are like the walking wounded around here. At least when the problems arise our doctors rock. I just had mine out 3 weeks ago too plus they found an intestinal hernia. Nikki had that too I think the begining of May. The skin heals fast - swiss cheese be gone! Hope you are back to feeling 100% in no time. Take it easy.