sensitive subject-dreaded constipation
Lucretia, You need lots of fiber. Pre-surgery I had IBS. Now I am very regular and I contribute this to the amount of fiber in my diet. I eat flaxseed cereal every day. Loads of protein and fiber. I also try to eat some fruit as one of my snacks. A piece of pineapple or some watermelon. Good luck. ((HUGS)) Elissa
Hi Linda, Flax seed cereal I get at Carb Buster's.Trader Joes also has it. I only eat 1/2 cup with a tiny pat of butter, splenda and skim milk. It is over 15 grams of protein. MMMMM. Tastes like Chicken. Actually it kinda tastes like finely ground up oatmeal. 1 has chopped up pecans and my favorite has strawberry's (dried) in it. Does the trick for me. OBTW I got the Scrupples for your hair. Let me know where we can meet? Elissa
Hi Elissa,
Thanks for getting the Scrupples, much appreciated. I am hoping to be up that way on Friday, my mom and I were maybe gonna ride up and see her sister. I'd be stopping at Trader Joe's for sure if I do. If you will be home in the morning maybe we could meet over there? I'm thinking if I get up there it will be around 10 AM. I have to see what my schdule is as far as driving my oldest to work etc.
Hi L,
I've had this problem since day one (surgery day!), I'm just now weaning off the Colace (I'm 4.5 mo out). I took two colace day (doctor's orders) but bought the Target brand, cheaper! Also, lots of fluids help as does the fiber. I think I'm getting better because of the addition of the fiber. I never had this problem preop, but hopefully it will get better for you soon. I'm not totally back to normal but it's much better.
Good luck