Getting a date
I'm having trouble getting the doctor's office to give me a date. I have completed all of my tests except the EGD, and it is already approved and scheduled. I have also been approved by my insurance company. I called to check on my approval and when I found out it had gone through I asked about a date and to be put on the cancellation list. No-one would commit to a date but they did agree to put me on the cancellation list. My insurance letter has a procedure date of 7/15. I know from the dates people are currently getting that there is no way I will go in July. What happens if I go past the July date on my approval letter? Do I have to be re-approved? I don't want to be a bother to the doctor's office but I know of several others who had consultations at the same time and are on the same testing schedule and they have dates. I'm so ready to have a date to complete this chapter and be able to leave the limbo.
Sorry for whining, I'm just frustrated and want to move forward to the next stage.
Thanks for listening.
Hi Theresa.
I'm not exactly sure, but it seems to me there is a time period that your approval is good for, that's one of the reasons why the doc's office waits to file it during a certain time period. I do know the surgery schedule is very fluid, I ended up going three weeks before I was originally scheduled. Hang in there, I'm sure you will get a date soon!