Before my consultation ....
My consultation isn't until November but is there anything I should be doing before I get there? Should I have my PCP send a letter to my insurance company or does that all happen after I see Dr. Wynn? I just went to see my doctor today and told him about what I was "hoping" to get done and I was surprised by his reaction. I thought he was going to tell me I was crazy or something. I am going in for a ton of blood work (he is my new PCP so he wants to check me out) So if I should be doing anything to get prepared for the consultation let me know please so I can get started thanks.
Cj B.
on 5/29/04 1:11 am
on 5/29/04 1:11 am
Hi Eileen, Just my thoughts...start drinking primarily water and crystal lite - to lessen your desire for caffeine and carbonated drinks. If you are a smoker, I would suggest you try and quit. (I know, easier said than done, but Dr.Wynn will require you to quit.) And maybe start a walking program for yourself. Even if it's just for 5 min to start and build your way up.
You are doing great by getting your PCP involved - some insurance companies require a 6mo to 2 year diet history.
And finally, research, question and learn all you can about the WLS journey - read the message board and Q&A of this site - it is invaluable!
Good luck on your journey - November will be here before you know it!
((hugs)) Carla
Hi Eileen,
When I went in for my consultaion I took info from my endocrinologist with me. You can call your insurance company now and see what their requirements are so you have no surprises later. Insurance varies in what they need, some just need medical necessity and a letter from your doc is fine, others ask for supervised dieting history etc. Call now and that way if you need that kind of thing you can do it while waiting for November to come. My consultation was also in November, made the appontment in May. Surgery ended up being late March.
Also use this time to get your head where it needs to be, address any food issues you may have, such as being an emotional eater, food is your best friend, that sort of thing. Read everything you can get your hands on, both good and bad. PLease remember to keep the horror stories in perspective, they can freak you out if you dwell on that aspect too much. If you think you may need some sort of counseling to take care of any food or emotional eating issues you may have, this is the perfect time to take care of that.
It may seem far away but it will be here before you know it! Good luck and stay busy!
You have already got the best advice from CJ and Linda.
Get the detailed requirements from your insurance company, Read this (and other) message boards, Read as many profiles as you can. Find out the good, the bad, and everything else too.
You can never be too educated!!!!
November, and then your surgery will be here before you know it.
OH, ask to be put on the cancelation list for your appointment!
My original consultation was scheduled for May 2004, I got a cancelation call in October, now I'm 6 weeks past surgery!!!!