PMRI Dr. Baag appt
I had my 2 month (actually 6week) checkup with Dr Baag this afternoon. I have officially lost 38 pounds! FOREVER
Overall my bloodwork looked very good.
He said that my bilirubin was slightly elevated, so we'll be keeping an eye on that. My total cholesterol was down by 89 points !!!! although my good chol. was low. He said that everything else looks perfect.
He told me to lay off of the walking and build up on muscle toning, which I planned to do by joining the gym as soon as I go back to work.
Feeling great except for some nasty poison ivy I got at my brother's house over the weekend.
Ken, this is great news! Thirty eight lbs in 6 weeks is awesome!
I've been going to the gym myself alternating with the walking. At the gym, I've been doing ellipitcal for about 40 minutes and then the upper body circuit to start building up muscles in my arms. I'm really hoping I don't wind up with major bat wings, if you know what I mean!
Hey Ken,
Sounds like you are heading to a healthier lifestyle! Doesn't it feel great already??? What aboost the first few weeks post op are and it just keeps getting better!!! I never went back to PMRI after surgery..... insurance does not cover it and I couldn't afford the visits. But I'm glad to hear things are going great with you!! Keep up the good work!!
Hey Ken that's great. Sounds like yesterday must have been a good PMRI check-up day. I was there for a 2PM appt, they took me early tho. Sorry I missed you.
You are doing a fabulous job and should be very proud of yourself!
PS. he also told me to cut back the walking and step up the weights lol
Hey Ken, you are doing fabulous. This WLS has been a miracle for alot of us. More weights and less walking. I guess you need to start toning up everything. I do 25 minutes of weights three times a week. I walk slow on the treadmill, but I'm on it for 20 minutes. Last time I saw Brett, he told me to sweat more. I said I hate sweating. I'd like to see Brett sweat. I doubt if he even exercises. Keep it up Ken. You're gonna be our next stud muffin after Rob. ((HUGS)) Elissa