Flavored syrups..Natures Flavors--pt 2
Hey, Tina...
I'm finally getting through all the great msgs in the last month and I thought I would comment on the syrups.
They are GREAT! Both Rob and Cj convinced me to try them while we were in Carb Buster's one day (I choose Caramel) and man....! My WHOLE family loves it, including my mom and dad. My brother and sister-in-law love to put it in their cold milk and I love to add it to coffee and SF Vanillia Bean ice cream (awesome!)
Anyhow, for those that would like to try little sample bottles of different flavors before you buy the big bottle, I have ordered from www.txwls.com with great success.
You can mix and match and order a 5 sample pkg for $10 (which is what I did). Go to the $2 Sugar-free syrup samples link.
Haven't tried it on SF ice cream yet. In fact I haven't tried SF ice cream yet. What brand have you tried? I have tried about 20 of the SF syrups. We always have French Vanilla, Orange, Pineapple, and English Toffee on hand. I'm trying peanut butter tomorrow night to see if I can use it as a substitute for real peanut butter in my smoothie. Keep enjoying, I'm going to order 5 more samples right now.