Lotta protein, little food
I hear that since Martha's stint in the big house that the uniforms are oh so very trendy now!!! She is using her wonderful decorator touch to give the place a whole new home-like feeling!!!
BTW - You do look good in horizontal but oh so very thin basic black and creamy white stripes with a nice satin trim ... don't you?
Gonna start making hamburgers wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun. Imagine that. I was a regular at Mickey D's in the AM for a Bacon, Egg & cheese bagel. I had enough coupons to last 5 years. I made a collage for my scrapbook instead. I suppose I could still eat it minus the bagel. Oh why bother. I go to the fitness club to work out instead. Gosh I am being so good, and it's not killing me either. LOL. Elissa