Jus Me
on 3/31/04 11:03 pm - My own little corner of the world
Hey Guys!!! Is it APRIL ALREADY??? WOW does the time ever fly!!! Well anyway ... It seems the roll call was a success last month so I thought we could try it again this month??? Just a chance to slip in and say hello or give an update on how you are doing!!! Say as much or as little as you like!!! As for me ... I have been plagued with computer problems ... got a virus and it brought down the network ... I have one system back up and on-line but still have the rest of the network that I am working with trying to recover the lost information. Likely I will not be on-line to answer each post, but I will pop in and out and read them. I have updated my photo page to show my latest photos ... and updated my journal to update my latest joys and concerns. Mini Version ... I am doing well ... Down 75 pounds since surgery and still plugging along!!! Emotionally, I am doing extremely well these days ... and physically, I am doing far better than I could have ever dreamed!!! Oh guess what ... went out yesterday and tried on a 16 and it FIT!!!! (I wrote all about it in my journal) It was SO EXCITING!!! If you get a chance ... take a peek at the photos and let me know what you think!!! BTW - I am NOT sending or answering emails until I am 100% certain that I have removed the bug from My computer!!! I love to share ... but absolutely do not care to share this one with anyone!!! BUT I am still reading them!!! So send away ... but please just understand why I have not gotten back with you if you have written to me!!! Hugs!!! Tammy
on 3/31/04 11:10 pm
I'm here! Hellloooooooooooo! Ok, am in happy goofy post-op mode here So far so good, no clue how much I have lost because I'm not peeking until my docs appointment on Monday. However, clothes are DEFINITELY feeling different, wedding ring is twirling, and am feeling good. I saw your profile update and all I can say is wow! You are doing great and looking terrific Linda
Jus Me
on 3/31/04 11:27 pm - My own little corner of the world
I am THRILLED to see you so very happy!!! Isn't it wonderful??? Can't hardly wait to hear about your appointment!!!
on 3/31/04 11:20 pm
Wow Tammy you look great!!! I love your hair! Well as far as me....I am still waiting on insurance, I have a pre-op visit tommorrow, Fri. at 2:15. And I plan on being at the meeting on saturday. Hope to see everyone there. Take care!
Jus Me
on 3/31/04 11:25 pm - My own little corner of the world
Great ... I will see you at the meeting!!! Thank you for your sweet compliment ... I forgot to put in my profile that I donated the hair to Locks of Love ... was concerned that it would not be acceptable, because it had gotten so straggly (is that even a word? *grin) ... but the salon told me that they would be thrilled to get it!!! I was more than glad to donate it!!! But was hoping that I would lose a couple of pounds with the cut ... I didn't BTW!!! *giggle* Have a great day!!!
on 4/1/04 1:48 am - Wilmington, DE
Tammy ! I think I said "WOW" about a dozen times after looking at your profile. You look mauuuvelous !! I love how you did your pics on your profile, you've done an amazing job so far and you are not finished! What a great inspiration you are, and not to mention that you always say the most profound and touching things that seem to hit just the right spot! I'm very proud of you Tammy
on 4/1/04 1:52 am - Wilmington, DE
Opps, got so excited for Tammy I forgot my stuff: 9 wks out, -44#, feeling fine physically, can eat whatever I want, nothing bothers me. Can drink in regular swallows too! I am finding that I am hungry, A LOT, and tend to overeat and eat way too fast. Emotionally, I'm doing okay, almost over the Dr. Baag downer and the feelings that this won't work for me. I'm hanging in there! Elissa, my favorite roomie, won't let me stray far! Thanks chickie! T
Jessica B.
on 4/1/04 2:00 am - Ellendale, DE
WOW Tammy ... you look fabulous!!! I'm still hanging around... hopefully my pics will be up soon too!! (Hey, I might even ask for help on how to do it myself, to relieve some of you AWESOME helpers out here! ) I am 4 months out and approx. 63 lbs down!!! WOO-HOO ! But I have to admit, the slowing down of the weight loss already is a little discouraging Thats okay, better for the skin (hopefully..) as some will tell ya! Hi to all! Jess 258/195/
on 4/1/04 2:24 am - Newark, DE
Tammers you look great - a 16 - holy cow - I think I was like 16 the last time that happened!! Which makes me think... my size has more or less parralled my age for over 12 years... climaxing at the 32 yrs old wearing 30/32. Holy cow. Well, no mas! I am doing okay. some good days some not so great mostly eating wise. Occasionally still have gallbladder issues to deal with. I am starting to notice a difference in my physical appearence without looking at a picture, or even in the mirror. I notice that I cross my legs now - well right over left anyway. In general although I am often tired due to the pregnancy, I notice I have more stamina sometimes. I'm getting more work done again with computer stuff & Tupperware - which btw the kits are 25 bucks for another 2 weeks or so - email me if you want details on that. With the baby, we have a detailed ultrasound scheduled next week for the 6th & we should know more abotu it's overall health. Cross those fingers kids. That's about it I think - love you guys.
on 4/1/04 3:51 am - Wilmington, DE
Little successes... In regards to Tammy's roll call, I've been thinking about how negative I've been and in one of the support meetings, someone said we should celebrate all successes.. even the little ones.. so, on a more postive note... I have not had a migraine since the day I came home from the hospital. I've had migraines for well over 10 yrs, sometimes several a month, and I've not had once since coming home. I'm also off my BP meds How that for a positive note?? Don't fall over anyone hahaha
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