The Clear Liquid Diaries:
Also known as " How I ate broth for two days and lived" LOL I am still feeling good today. I have had a few hunger episodes but they were doable. I haven't been overly cranky ( family is glad lol ) I have been noticing a certain amount of "automatic" behaviors...for instance. I was playing cards with hubby and had a split second thought of, "I'm kinda hungry, I should make breakfast" Or last night I went to pick up my youngest a his friends house and I thought. " I should stop and get a coffee" ( love my Dunkin Donuts coffee )
It isn't all that different than when I quit smoking really...the same fleeting thoughts and lighting up mindlessly. It has really made me very aware of how much I'm NOT eating.
Oh well, I'm a complete geek and have to turn every experience into a science experiment anyway so it's all good, I figure I should learn as much from each experience along the way as I can.
Twelve hours and I will be on my way! where did I leave tha****er glass...
Whoa ... you time is just about here. Don't know if you will be checking your email or reading the boards before you leave out this morning, but just in case ... WISHING YOU THE BEST and looking forward to your returning home and posting once again!!!
BTW - I have tucked your message away and will pull it out in about 3 or 4 months as ordered! Amazing just how my old messages came back to bite me in the butt this time! *HUGE ORNERY GRIN* Thanks so much for the encouragement and the chuckle!!!