Dinners and Thank You's And Stuff
Howdy fellow wls'ers,
My family and I did the dinner thing last night. I figured I would go for steak since that most likely that will be something I won't have for quite awhile. Hubby and my two boys and my sis in law and niece decided to head off to Outback.
UGH talk about a nightmare! Mary ( sil ) had called in advance for a table...soooo the six of us head of to the restaurant and are told we still have a 40 minute wait. Ok, no problems with that, so we go sit outside ( the place was packed ) and we waited and waited, then we waited some more. Finally we go back inside to see if we are getting close. I could tell by the look on the hostess's face that she had lost our reservation. She stammered some and said uhhh ten minutes...then she says oh wait, we have a booth available. Ok, I don't think I need to tell you what went through my head at that point. The thing that really got me was there were SIX of us! Even one being as large as I was, no way were we gonna cram six of us in a booth, so we said no a table please, they said ok....so we waited and waited and waited some more. Guess who lost their reservation AGAIN, finally sil calls for a manager and he is completely uncaring and says oh well, when you asked for a table instead you gave up your reservation!
At this point I was just like forget it! I looked at the manager and said this was a very big dinner for us and we have been more than patient and waited over TWO hours due to your mistakes. He couldn't have cared less. I said no problem, we will take our huge tab we were gonna run up elsewhere.
We ended up at Lonestar, they were just as busy but VERY efficient, we had maybe a five minute wait at the most, and the best waiter I've seen in ages named Dave. lol I made the most of my dinner..had a little bread, some poppers for an appetizer. A salad that was SO good. OMG them my dinner came and I could only eat about 1/4 of it I was so full. I ordered the Cajun steak..sooo spicy and very good, a loaded baked potato ( about 4 fork fulls ) and no room for dessert. I felt very satisfied. Felt bad not bringing home leftovers but it would have been WAY too tempting...all in all it was a fun night.
Not too bad today, had some broth this afternoon and have been pretty much sticking with ice water. I haven't really had much of a taste for anything else. I might do a cup of hot tea later. I'm a little hungry but not nearly what I thought I'd be ( lol we'll see what I'm saying tomorrow ) It's actually pretty exciting to be at this stage. I can't believe it's all really happening...that I managed to follow through all these months and do this!
I want to make sure I tell everyone of you thank you. I appreciate the e-mail messages and the comments on my surgery page more than I can express. I'm REALLY bad about asking for support or help many times so this has really been an experience that has gone far beyond "just" weight loss. I can really see how it affects all aspects of your life and all areas of your personality.
Ok guys, onward and upward and soon it will be Tuesday and time to kick some WLS ass! You guys are great
I tried posting to your support page twice and each time it simply freezes up. I am so sorry that I can not post to you there. I don't know why I can't seem to post and yet I see other posts show. But rather than spending any more time worrying about it, I hope you don't mind my posting a bit of support here.
I just wanted to say ... Wow!!! Can you believe that your turn is finally here? It is always so strange to me how time can go so slow then suddenly just start flying by so quickly. At any rate, know and trust that we all are so excited for you and are looking forward to your post op success! Relax, breathe and keep you mind focused on the fact that you have chosen a terrific team to do your surgery. I can not believe just how blessed we all are in this area to have such fine surgeons so close.
Linda, I have been and will continue to pray for you. Hugs, and best wishes for a speedy and pain "less" recovery. And know that even though I am not on the boards too much these days, should you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me! I will gladly do all I can to help you.