Posties...your experience please.
I got my paperwork for final appointment with Dr. Wynn on 4/2/04 and pre-Op bloodwork.
I remember reading something about it being better to get this done at the hospital instead of an outside lab.
Can someone remind me what that is all about.
Between house, kids, wife,work, and surgery; I'm a bundle of nerves!

Hi Ken,
I just went to Christiana Hosp and had mine done the morning I was scheduled for my EGD. They don't open the doors to the lab until 7 AM on the DOT lol. I was first in line and waiting when they opened. I went in and signed a paper or 2, she didn't even need my insurance card because I was already in the system. I signed my name, waited about five minutes and they called me back. They took a couple tubes of blood and that was it, I was on my way. I figured less of a chance of a mixup if I had it done at the hosp I was having surgery in rather than waiting for Labcorp to maybe get it where it needed to be.

Ken, I went to Lab Corp on Silverside Road. The hospital is so much farther. However, be prepared to wait at Lab Corp. Always a line. Last time I went I got there at 5:30 AM. They open at 6. Came home and went back to bed. I was not the 1st person there. Go figure. Getting down to the wire my friend. Gosh you have a lot going on. If I'm being too nosy tell me to butt out. Where will you recouperate? Will your kids be able to help after surgery? I don't live too far. I'm not working. If you need anything at the store I could get it for you. Is your house on the market yet? My Aunt's house sold on Thursday in 4 hours over in Holly Oak. TT you later. ((HUGS)) Elissa
I took the time off from work and went to the hospital. There were only 2 people ahead of me but I still had over an hour wait. Once they called me back for the blood work, I was done in a matter of minutes. The doctors office had the bloodwork back in 2 days. I was afraid it would get lost if I went to our local place out here.
As for the nerves, I understand that! I am scheduled for monday and keep asking myself if this is the right thing for me to do. (I never asked myself that question the entire time I was waiting and going through all the testing)
We will do fine, we have a great support group here.
I also decided to go to the hospital..had a 30-45 minute wait..I had to go somewhere after to pick up one of my children...and they were able to have the nurse call me at home with the pre-op questions.
I can tell you that my kids and family..kept me busy..and it kinda helped ease some of the nerves. Just focus on why you are doing this..and know the surgery will come and go before you know it.