BORED out of my mind...
This is what I've been afraid of...
Okay folks.. I'm alone tonight and don't know what to do with myself. Normally (before WLS), I'd get take out.. whatever I wanted, then I'd go get dessert, whatever I wanted and just eat and watch tv all night. Kids aren't here, laundry is done, house cleaned, already worked out, so other than go shopping and spend money that I don't have, I don't know what to do. (oh.. already took a nap too). This is where I knew I'd have problems. BOREDOM. I guess this is where the behavior modification comes in.. but I'm still clueless. Anyone been where I am???
Damn, can come over to MY house and do the laundry/clean house.
Seriously, I'm an avid reader, so going to the library/reading always occupied my spare time. Do you have a local library?
If that doesn't work for you, how about crafts? Do you like to scrapbook? I can spend HOURS at Michael's. They have some great starter kits there, too. I also have some materials (scissors, templates, etc.) if you'd like to borrow them.

Hi, Diane!
That is sooo true! I forgot to mention all that. I just love the library...the smells, all the books just waiting for hands to find them and open them up, the different genres and mediums, the...well, you get the picture.
Tina, since I'm not sure WHERE in Wilmington you live, I'm including the link for the main branch and other Wilmington libraries:
(spaces in the URL's...just delete)
Also, if anyone is interested in genealogy (one of my other devotions), it's my understanding that you can research with the library's paid subscription for Heritage Quest at the Kirkwood Library.
For more info: http://
Kirkwood Highway Library
302-995-7663 6000 Kirkwood Highway Wilmington, DE 19808
Have fun!!

Hey Tina,
Don't be bored. Get moving. You should start writing chapters for my book. Or my house is a mess. You can come over here and clean. Nahhh. Just kidding. But you really should think about doing something totally different. Something you wouldn't have even thought about doing prior to surgery. Got a hobby that you had early in life that you gave up. Weren't you a ballerina? How about cranking up the stereo and dancing. Or just pull out an old photo album.
Wish I could help more. Enjoyed seeing you at the meeting Monday night. You are looking great. Keep up the god work.
Your bud,