Talk about stressful times. My date is in 18 days. I am still waiting for insurance approval and am hoping nothing goes wrong there. I have had the head cold from hell for the past week and now a lovely cough. I made an appointment with my PCP today for me and hubby ( he has an ear infection we think ) Next thursday I have my pre-op appointment with Dr. Irgau, Friday I have my scope, and somewhere in all this mess I have to get my pre-op bloodwork done. This has been a long LONG year's work for me and I'm not feeling very confident about how it will all turn out
Hey, Linda...
Sounds like you've got a lot going on right now! Just take a deep breath (without coughing!...grin) and just concentrate on the positives. And you're's been a long year! But your day is right around the corner, babe! Remember we're all here for you. Hang in there!!!