on 3/3/04 11:44 pm - harrington, de
my oldest daughter lovingly calls my excess skin "leftovers" haha my insurance approved all my reconstructive surgery. tummy tuck, arm lift, butt lift and inner thigh lift. on march 12th i will be having the tummy tuck and the inner arm lift. then 8 weeks later i will have the arms and butt done. i had my doctor go ahead and do the drawings on my body and show me what he will cut when i went to see him yesterday. all i can say is WOW!!! that's alot of skin to be removed! with the tummy tuck the "cut" lines start about 3 inches above my belly botton and the bottom of the lines go all the way to the middle of my pubic area! when i got home and was looking in the mirror at the lines that he drew it made me wonder.......if he is cutting most of my pubic area and bringing the skin up.......am i going to be shaving my bikini area all the way up on my new stomach??? hahahhaahha with the inner thigh lift cut lines it will be hiden in the crease of my upper leg and not going down my leg toward the knee. i'm glad for that. i think it could be very interesting hahahhahaa. i'm only alittle bit nervous compared to when i had wls. wish me luck!
Michelle O.
on 3/4/04 12:22 am - Dover, DE
WoooHooooo for you Fran. Your daughter has a great sense of humor! You'll be in my prayers, for a safe uneventful procedure. By summmer you'll be ready for the b word......yes I said it, BIKINI! Take care. (((Hugs))) Michelle
on 3/4/04 4:17 am - Dover, DE
What kind of insurance do you have and are you using a plastic surgeon? Who? Diane C.
Patti C.
on 3/4/04 6:27 am - Bear, DE
You go girl!: I justed wanted to wish you the best of luck with your reconstructive surgery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted on your recovery. ((hugs)) Patti C
Clint B.
on 3/4/04 9:46 am - Newcastle, DE
Fran what insurance do u have? and did it cover the arms? and thigs? and butt?Let me know...
Christine S.
on 3/4/04 8:21 pm - North East, md
You are exactly right on the shaving it is not pretty. I had one done a few years back, i didnt walk straight for about six mo nths, and the scare is from one side all the way to the other. they put drains that i wore for about 2 weeks i think and there are still 2 indentaitons where they were it looks funny i am self consiouse about it but i like it better then the extra. LOL Good luck to you. i used belenkani he did a good jhob and was very nice.
on 3/4/04 9:25 pm - harrington, de
i have tricare prime military insurance. i'm seeing a private plastic surgeon. tricare is paying for everything...butt, thighs, arms and stomach. i'm also the first person EVER to get tricare to pay for all of it and my doctor's office also said that i'm the first person that they have had insurance pay for all of it. i don't think that the amount of excess skin i had was as bad as some people who get denied so i feel very very VERY lucky. i did have a seven year history of really bad skin rashes and i think that is the major reason everything got paid for. even getting a tummy tuck with tricare is very hard. you can imagine how shocked i was when it was ALL APPROVED. i did printout the page from my insurance handbook that states how they would cover reconstructive surgery with me to my doctor. i wanted to make sure everything was worded correctly so that i wouldn't get stuck in appeal hell. part of me feels very guilty because there was a girl who was heavier than me with more co-morbs who has my same insurance who was denied wls because of the way it was worded when it was turned in by her doctor. i just think it is very important to understand your insurance policy to the "T" BEFORE going to a doctor. sometimes just the wording will get you denied even if you do fit into their guidelines. your doctor may have not added in all the info that he should have ect... i would also suggest having your pcp document everything even if you think it isn't a big deal and don't wait untill the last minute to start documenting. i hope everyone who tires for reconstructive surgery is as lucky as i am. i know for me how important this is. by the way my pannus doesn't hang past my pubic area....so dont think that you must have a very large pannus for insurance to cover it.
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