wooo hooo!!! Im approved!!!
My insurance (Aetna) approved me! I just dont know what to do with myself. I have one week exactly till my surgery. Its March 3rd at 8:00 well I have to be at Christiana Hospital at 8:00 so surgery is probably like 10:00. Now I am just scared!
all the bad thoughts rolling through my head. I cant stop thinking of my little boy (hes 5) and what he would do without me and all of that scary stuff!!!! I feel selfish alot and irresponsible for taking the risk but I want a better life for him and know that this is the best. Well I'm gonna pull through! God willing!
Elizabeth M

I know this ain't no small thing. But, really, in the big scheme of things, it is small. And God is willing, so worry not. Remember, if God cares for that mustard seed what would he do for us! Remember where your strength comes from and draw on that. You are going thru this for a better lifestyle, yes! But, more importantly, a longer one. I know I have added 20 years onto my life by having the surgery. And you will start to see the changes within the first month.
No, it's not easy, the waiting, the surgery, and the recovery. But you will have more energy and will be able to gain more strength with every pound that drops off. For me, just losing 75 pounds in 2 months has allowed me to get on the stationary bike, which I could not do before surgery because of my obesity.
We are all on the road to a more fulfilling life. Stay on that road and you will have rewards you can not even think about now.
We are all pulling and praying for your speedy recovery. God Bless.
that is sooooooooooooooooooo great! i'm really happy for you.
i have 2 children also and was feeling scared about all the "what-if's". then my grandmother told me something. "if got wanted you to die by drowning, you won't get hit by a bus" haha
we do things everyday that can cause us to die(driving a car ect). you will only go when it is your time.
just remember it's not selfish to want to be a healthy person and mother to your son. best of luck
Thanks so much for the kind words and support. God has seen me through everything thus far. I prayed that if it was his will only then would I be approved and since I was approved that was just a little bit more affirmation that it was meant to be. But it is still scary and so everything is in God's hands now. Now I just need the strength to give myself those darn shots of blood thinner in my tummy everyday when it comes time!!!
It will all be worth it I'm sure there is so much that I want to do with my son that I can't do now. I'm really excited
Thanks guys!!!
Elizabeth M

Cj B.
on 2/25/04 4:43 am
on 2/25/04 4:43 am
Congratulations Elizabeth! I know you are going through so many emotions right now. That's normal. But please don't think of yourself as being selfi****hink it is quite the opposite - how giving you are to want to have more years to spend with your son! You need to take care of YOU to take care of him!!
Trust in God, He will not fail you.

First, I'm soooo excited for you, babe! more week!
Second, as all the others have said, pls don't think of yourself as selfish, or heaven forbid, irresponsibile!! You have done all the research (over a year's worth!) and have made a very informed decision. You have done all the waiting, gone thru all the date changes, have had all the testing! It's finally your day!!
We all kinda got anxious as our date became more of a reality...that's natural. But you're gonna do great and that little boy will have such a healthy, active mom is his life! THAT'S what matters!!!
Concentrate on the positives right now...look at all those before/after pix, read more profiles, talk to us. Remember that God is right there with you, no matter what.
Now you go GET 'em, girlfriend!!!!