Hi Guys -- soups???
dum de dum Im just boared and want to say hi... tee hee
feel like im just hanging around everything just existing based on what this response is going to be from my insurance!!! did that even make sense??
anybody have any awesome soups that they have bought lately that you can handle without any dumping? Need some soup ideas
Want to run to trader joes to see what they have in soups and wanted to know if anyone tried anything and thought is was extra good
Elizabeth M
Hi Elizabeth - I've liked nearly all the soups I've had since surgery. Debbie said that Carb de lites has some awesome ones that she used rigth after her surgery. The only soup I've heard of anyone having a problem, with is tomato - appearently it has sugar in it?
Now, about 4 weeks post op I went through about 2 hours of serious pressure in my pouch becasue I was eating chicken noodle with abotu 3 saltines crushed in it. It was sooooo good. But I ate a little too much - and becasue it went down so well I ate it a little to fast.. So you still have to be careful depending on the density of your soup. Broth - you can drink that like water.
Hi, Elizabeth
Actually, you CAN have your tomato, too, Dorothy! Chk w/Dr. Wynn's office for the protein-fortified soups. I had tomato at four weeks out and it was WONDERFUL! (plus u get the added 15 grms of protein in each packet)
I also enjoyed a lot of the different creamed soups and Trader Joe's has a delicious butternut squash. I put the nutrition info on the MSN site.