Numbness/tingling in thigh?
Hi gang,
Elissa and I seem to have the same problem right now with tingling and numbness in our left thighs... above the knee and sorta wraps around the leg. Mine is more of a numbness and a large area, Elissa says more like a tingling numbness. It comes and goes.
Has anyone had any problems like this and what happened with it?
I do have an appointment at the doc office tomorrow morning, but really don't want to go if it's nothing.. (doc being out of network and all, it gets quite costly!!)
When I saw dr. Wynn last I mentioned this to her because I was experiencing the same type of numbness/tingling in the thihgs. Dr Wynn told me it is due to our loosing fat in that area so our nerve ending which were "padded" before are now sensing feeling. She said once the nerve ending dull down it will go away and sure enough it did. Hope this helps ut always ask your doctor also. Hope
I've had blod clots in my left leg and I can say that I never felt numbness. It's verrrrrry painful. At first it is a cramping in the leg feeling that grows to excrutiating pain and not being able to bear weight on it.
However, you very well should have it checked by a doc as no two people are the same. Good luck, let us know.
Can't say for sure because not a doc ( thought I was didn't ya lol ) I have seen this topic addressed many times on the main board, seems to be pretty common and an after effect of anesthesia. Maybe check the library here on site to see if you can find anything. Definitely call the doc and let the office know tho just to be on the safe side.
Tina, I found info in the spiral bound book that PMRI gave us on pg. 9. I read it cover to cover last night. Made sense to me. I have been walking a lot so I, DR. Elissa, no certificate, says this is what it could be. I did experience it pre-op when I walked a lot. So I stopped walking. Got frustrated, ate more and sat even longer. I've put it on my list of questions for Brett on Saturday. I am a cheap wench.
((HUGS)) Elissa LOL
I also experienced the numbness and tingling in my left thigh, Post-Op! I did ask the Dr.'s and they attributed it to lack of movement as I had a severe Gout attack within two days after surgery. That kept me in the hospital for 10 more days (due to Abulatory Disfunction, unrelated to the Gastric Bypass Surgery), over Christmas even!! I also developed a Blood Clot behind my left knee due to lack of movement. But once we treated the Gout and I got back on my feet, all of the tingling and numb feelings have gone away.
But as everyone else has said, please talk with your Dr. about it!
Hope everything else is going well for you.
I, like others here, am not a doctor!
I have had that same feeling in my thights ever since I was in a accident in 1995. The Dr told me that my siatic nerve was compressed. I have noticed that, as I have gained more weight ever the last years, the numbness increased. Recently, it has gotten MUCH worse. The doctor told me that the only solution was to lose weight.
Doesn't help you much. Just my similar experience.