Congratulations!!!!!! to all those who had recent surgeries....
It is so good to hear some positive words instance of all the negative I go to see the consultation was moved up a little sooner... but I am glad for I want to get know where I stand.. keep me in you prayers for I need prayer for my insurers...pray for me today...I also would like to hear some encouraging words and some be my angel...thanks...gail
Hi there! Well if it is prayers you are looking for ... I can help out!!! *wink*
As far as your doc appointment goes ... please be sure to pop back in and let us know how everything goes for you!!!
I so remember the very day I had my first consult with the doc. It was kinda overwhelming for me. But I am so very glad that I did it!
You certainly have picked the perfect place to hang out at. Everyone around her is quite positive and very encouraging, while at the same time ... keeping it all real. Good company - good people!!!
Now for the Angel part ... again you have come to the right place. Everyone here is so supportive. So I am going to leave that angel spot open for someone else who perhaps has not had the oportunity to be blessed just yet and would love to do it. However, don't worry ... cause one way or another we are going to hook you up!!!
Please be sure to let us know how it goes for you today!!! How exciting!
Welcome to our Happy Family.
Boy did you find the right place for encouragement. Ask questions. Read our profiles. We are here to make your journey as special and easy as ours. Believe it or not. I just read your profile and we all have numerous things in common. The Dr's will tell you about the support meetings at PMRI or one of the other groups. They are great. Make sure that you make an effort to attend. They are fun & extremely informative. ((HUGS)) Elissa