hello all,
i just wanted to thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. friday was tough.........i didn't want another surgery so soon after wls(open RNY only 4 months ago). so healing is going to be a real b#@!h. now i just have to wait the dreaded 2 weeks to find out if it is cancer or not. i had to go thur this same thing before....not fun. i had 5 tumors removed from my breast and cancer on the cervix 3 years ago and on friday i had another 3 tumors removed. two of my mothers sisters died of breast cancer before they were 35....and i am 31 so yes i am freaking out. i'm just trying to relax and heal. thanks again for all of your well wishes.
i hope you all had a great time getting made over and i can't wait to see the photos....and you better believe i will be there next time.
Wow Fran, I am so so sorry to hear this. You are in my prayers that you receive good news. Please try not to sweat it too much (easier said than done). Keep posting during this rough period. We are here for you, too. I am looking forward to Feb session, too. Read the profile on Suzy C. I found her story very moving.
Wow, Fran. What can I say, hon? I've never been personally diagnosed with cancer but this is my mom's third bout, so I do understand all the emotions with it. My mom has had colon cancer, lung cancer in her lower lobe (right side) and now lung cancer in her upper lobe (left side). She's pulled through and so will you, sweetie!! And we will all be here for you! Whenever you just want to talk or moan or just shoot the sh*t, we will be here with hugs, prayers and supporting shoulders.
Love ya girl!

Dear Fran,
Sorry I missed this post until now, somehow. At any rate, I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and pulling for you. Just went through this with a very close friend. This is her second bout with it ... was diagnosed and treated about 20 years prior and now again in her early 40's. Hers was pretty advanced though ... surgery twice, chemo/radiation 3x's ... but the good news is ... the docs just told her that it is looking real good for her. They are quite pleased with the results they are seeing. And are very hopeful for a complete recovery. Please keep us posted and be sure to let us know if there is anything at all we can do for you (ie, rides to treatment, help around the house, an ear ... you name it ... we are here for you and will do what we can to help out)