Makeover Invitation @ RSVP
I'll re-post information. I only heard back from 4 people from the invitation survey I posted on the 8th or so. . Linda, Kathy, Rob & Diane.
Those that want color, please email Fran, ASAP, she'll need to talk to you about what color you are and what color you want to be & if you have color on it now. Her email is [email protected]. She'll need to buy it for this weekend. She can give you her phone number so you can call her.
Okay I talked with Fran from downstate. Her husband is in the military and only has off on Sunday & Monday. So I hope noone objects to Sunday. Say about 11AM or so.
Date: Sunday January 18th. Time: 11AM
Services that we can have. Haircut, color, frosting, highlighting, hand paraffin wax, eyebrow/mustache wax, perm, facial & makeup. For the cosmetologist's in the group, let us know if & what you'd like to do?
If you think you want color then email Fran or I to let us know what color you are & wanna be. If we need your number to talk to you we'll let you know. If you have your own make-up and would rather use it then bring it. We can go and get a few things in if let us know.
An idea from 1 of us. If everyone brings their favorite snack & drink that would be good. Like a Covered Dish/snack for 3 that way we could share. If you have anything you bought that you hate bring it too maybe someone else would like to try it.
I'll make up some directions for those who want them. 1st from PMRI and 2nd from Interstate 95 and Rt 202.
Okay. Hope to see you all there. ((HUGS)) Elissa & Fran

Okay, So far I have had RSVP's for the Makeover Day
Sunday: January 18th
Time: 11 AM
Place: Elissa's House
2603 Ebright Road
Wilmingto, DE, 19810
[email protected]
[email protected]
email for phone number's
Yes's Can Come-------- No's Can't come
Fran------------------ Tammy
Kathy----------------- Sandy
Dianne ---------------- CJ
Still looking for more people to respond. Please email Fran to give her your color preferences. She might need to talk to you. [email protected]