Can you say, "the nurse's office at work has a scale?"
Actually, it's perfect timing, because home scale is getting thrown out the window. (Now I know why I found it in the closet unused.) It's a digital that appears to 'suck' the juice out of batteries in a day. I was despartely replacing batteries just to get a looksee ONCE knowing the darn thing wouldn't be working the next time!
So...according to this new scale, I have lost 2 more lbs...in my clothes and shoes. Gee, I hope it's calibrated right! If it is...I finally broke the 230 barrier!! Hey, I'll grasp at anything! (yuk, yuk) I was fluctuating between 230 and 235 for weeks. (sigh)
Oh....and get this...I found myself crossing my legs in our meeting this morning!

My question for you is ... "Were you tempted to strip down to your skivies at work to get an even lower reading?" *giggle* Think I would have been ... BUT, I would have never done that of course!!!
Now to get to the good stuff ... CONGRATULATIONS!!! Aren't the small things the greatest??? You are doing wonderful my dear friend!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Look foward to seeing your new glamor shot posted!!! *wink*
Hey chickee poo
Nice that you can chuck the home scale ! Would you beleive mine sits in the kitchen? LOL. You'd THINK that would be a deterent from me and my bad habits but it is not.
Now - just make sure you only visit the nurse 1 time a week! That is great that she has a scale that you can keep a weekly check on. Mine at home is always reading different things becasue of the boys. They twist the buttons, my 2 yr old squeals with delight at the thought of running across the kitchen and jumping on it to hear the spring bounce... Not the most reliable tool I am so tempted to go to Wynn's weekly just to get on the scale!

Hi Karen,
Long time since Ive talked to you. Just wanted to say congrats on your loss so far!
I have a digital scale too and it really does suck batteries dry! darn things. lol Although for me I avoid it like the plague rofl! Until I get my surgery in April... then I'm sure I will be flocking to it. Better get rid of it while I'm not attached lol. Its wonderful to see you doing well. Best wishes and blessings.
(Elizabeth M)