Makeover day date??
i think it just got overlooked. i'm still game if elissa is. i just need to know what to buy and what people want. i can always take back what isn't used. remember there are laws to haircolor....just because you buy sandy blonde doesn't mean your hair will be sandy blonde if you use it! i need to know what color someone wants to be, what chemicals they have in their hair, what is their natural haircolor and if they have gray. i will also buy several different shades of each color to make sure they get what they really want.
I thought I already missed it!!! When I saw Kathy's new do ... I would love to come if I can make it. Looking forward to finding out the date and time.
BTW - I would love hightlights and lowlights (I think that is what they are called) The last time I had anything done to my hair was almost two years ago now ... I had dimentional highlights with foil put in. I loved it. The gal gave me a heafty discount but her shop is too far away to do anything there regularly. Since then I have tried to find a closer shop but the price they quote me is simply out of my ball park and walet range *grin*
With my weight loss, I am soooo ready for a little color to brighten me up. Please let me know when you guys decide.
Hey, that's a good idea! I actually have my daughter's pony-tail to send in, too.
But, ummm....did Tammy SAY she was getting that much chopped off???
Personally, I think it would look cute, Tammy!
Tell ya what...I'll chop mine all off if you do. Like to our shoulders? With high and low tones? My goodness, they won't know who we are!!