Protein bar from TJ's...Tammy and Kathy?
Thanks for checking for me ... I already found it when I went to Trader Joe's (again). *grin*
It is the MET-RX ProteinPlus Chocolate Fudge Protein Bar
I bought two and they are already gone *grin*
I break them up and eat a little bit at a time (snack). It helps me get in my 5-6 meals a day that I am supposed to be getting
I took one on my trip yesterday and it was wonderful to carry along in the car.
BTW ~ I stopped somewhere in the middle of no where to buy gas and went inside and guess what they were selling in their candy isle ... low carb items ... one of them being the Met_Rx bar. I got so excited until I saw the price $3.69
I bought mine at Trader Joe's for $1.99.
Thanks Kathy for sharing this great find with us!!!