Oprah's topic today is going to be Gastric by-pass!
Just thought I would add a programming note. If you didn't catch the ads on t.v.--
Oprah is going to discuss Randy Jacksons
(judge from American Idol) surgery..and how it "saved his life". As well as, what happens after Gastric By-pass surgery.
It should be interesting. I'm interested in what slant
the show will take. If ya'll want, for those who will miss it..I'll give you a brief review. This will be a great discussion topic.
The show is on at 4 p.m.

I watched the show today and I thought it was more than a fair portrayal of what happens. I can't quite figure out why so many are moaning on the main board about the show's slant. They all say Oprah looked "disgusted" and one even went so far as to say she looked disgusted at the thought of being around MO people. Give me a BREAK. If anything I think Oprah looked creeped out at having a procedure, and would have been just as creeped out over ANY surgical procedure that might be done. After all it's not glitz and glamour and they are cutting your insides up!
I thought Dr. Ren made an excellant point in comparing it to removing a cancer and making the choice to LIVE. I recently looked up the mortality rates for having a cardiac bypass, it was double gastric bypass, yes someone wouldn't even THINK of saying " No, don't have a cardiac bypass, it's too dangerous.
I hope as time goes on that people become educated as to what it's all about. This show ( in my opinion ) was a step in the right direction. Randy Jackson and the woman they followed were very fair in their assesment of good vs. bad and HOW to weigh it out and IF it's right for you.
Some people will always disagree and that's ok. I just wish people would chill out and stop screaming and yelling and adding things that aren't there. " The look on her face" etc. hell, her pantyhose may have been riding up and she was still wearin those boots so maybe her feet hurt! lol....if she is personally for it or against it or undecided I thought it was at least fair and came closer than anything I have seen to date in using correct terminology and the like.
ok, OFF me soap box. What did YOU all think?

i watched the show and i didn't think there was any bad slant on it at all. however i think that when randy jackson said that he get's sick or the amount of food and what types of food they can eat, that they should have said it won't always be that way. they showed a clip of him eating in a resturant and he took very big mouthfuls......i think that is one of the main reasons he get's sick. and that is just me being picky. i really think they need a whole hour to talk about it not just part of a show. i also think that they need to talk to people who are a couple years post-op. the first year after surgery you are still healing and learning how to use your tool. all in all it was an ok show......i just wish that they had people on there who were alittle more informed and choose their words alittle better when talking about wls. when you only give half the info, the viewers think that it is all the info...ya know?