More of a blond now :)
I added lots of blond highlights to my hair & I look like a big ole fake blond
or a redhead with fake blond on top ... lol I don;t know I'm getting used to it
I like it for now & when the roots show up I'll jsut do brown again. WHat do you think? All the way at the bottom, a row of 4 pics

OMG...I leave the board for ONE weekend and look what happens?!? You emerge as a beautiful butterfly in my absence!!! (Not that you weren't beautiful before...but now you're stunning!) See what not having the bloomin' onion did for ya!
Seriously, they are just beautiful, Kath!!
You have simply got to get that updated on your profile for your board pix, babe.

The smile with or without the blonde is what is stunning. Kid your face is glowing.
So if it means staying blonde that's where I'd put my money.
I just hope you know that you are not only beautiful on the outside but the inside too. You are really an inspiration.
You say it like you feel. I admire that in a person. Keep posting your struggles good & bad, that way when we pre-ops have them we can relate to you posties.