Hi everyone. I'm feeling pretty good, but confused on some issues. I was following the sample recipes given to us at PMRI. If each meal is supposed to be between 1/4 and 1/2 cup and last 30 to 45 minutes, why am I following the instructions and ending up with alot more food. The last recipe I tried was cottage cheese, fruit, skim milk, blend with ice. I filled a 12 oz glass. I have a scale and measured everything perfectly. It also says on the instruction sheet do not eat more than 1/4 every ten minutes, but the original instructions says 1/4 should last up to 45 minutes. I would really appreciate some input. Also, my drain was removed on Wednesday, should it still be leaking? Thanks guys!
Hi Debbie,
I have NO clue but will take a stab at it...maybe the 1/4 in 10 mins was for thin liquids and the other 1/4 45 mins is more for a pureed meal? Seems I remember hearing that somewhere. I have heard others comment on leakage and hear it's normal to a a light pinkish color? Ok so much for my vast knowledge lol. I mainly just wanted to say hi and I'm glad you're feeling pretty good!

Hi, Deb!
I'm a little confused, hon. Are you looking at sample recipes for a 5-day postie? I'd say that you have a lot of food left over because right now you are only able to eat in 1 ounce quantities at a time...remember those little plastic medicine cups they gave you? That's one ounce. You won't be able to hold 1/4 or a 1/2 cup at a sitting for quite a while. You can, however, make the 1/2 cup meal and then put it into 1 oz portion sizes. I did this in the beginning to be sure I wasn't going over the 1 oz size in one sitting and to learn how to gauge my portion size.
Remember, too, that you just started pureed food careful and test one new pureed food at a time. For instance, try 1 oz of cottage cheese by itself, rather than adding fruit and skim milk. If you react to something, you won't know what that new food was. The first time I 'mixed' foods, I was about 2 wks out...Thanksgiving! And boy, was I worried. But they all mixed OK. I don't think the dietician recommended adding fruit until after my four-week visit.
If I remember correctly, the drain-site was the one that took the longest to heal. The discharge instructions said to just leave the bandages on the sites until they fell off in about a week, or remove them u'rself after two. I remember a little discharge and dried blood myself. Heck, Tammy even saw thread coming out of hers one time! (Normal, per docs. The body was healing and pushing out what it felt was a foreign object. They said just clip it if this happens.) Btw, how did that first shower home feel???
I'm glad to see you up and about and also asking questions! We're all here to help one another. I'm hoping others can give you their experiences, too.

Hey Debby,
If you eat slowly and take 30 minutes don't get too hung up on amount. The ice is adding to the overall volume. But it also counts as part of your fluid.
I remember that the drain they told me that the drain incision could ooze a bit and change the dressing. Call the doctor's offfice if you are all concerned.
Your doing great.

Dear Debbie,
Seems like everyone has already answered your questions ... this board rocks!!! But even though your questions have been answered, I wanted to say hello and let you know that I am thinking of you!!!
I know for me that before surgery I thought I understood everything, but the minute I came home from the hospital my mind went blank. I had the hardest time trying to make sense out of the directions that had seeme d so clear earlier ... but it was just a matter of days and it all started clicking ... What I did find out was that staying hydrated and walking was #1 important for me initially. So, I concentrated on getting in as mcuh fluids as I could and walking, mostly around the house in the beginning, and then I started working on getting in some protein and then it all started fitting into place. You will be fine, you are doing an excellent job. Hang in there, don't get too stressed out about everything ... And remember, most of the posts you read on the OH board about foods and such are not necessarily geared toward the new pre-op. I was thinking that I had to get in 60 gms of protein a day ... right out of the hospital ... MY reality check was that I could only drink two sips of water and I was FULL. It kinda stressed me out, until I realized that the 60 gms were not going to happen right away. I would need time to allow my pouch to heal and for the swelling to go down. And now here I am 2 months out and I got in ... get this ... 120 gms of protein yesterday & about 800 calories!!! I can hardly believe it!!! *grin* Take care ... and again, don't let it stress you ... it really will all start falling into place for you real soon (if it hasn't already).
One other thing Deb, if your "meal" is for example a soup, then you will be able to eat more of that then say some tunafish. The reason being that the soup being a liquid begind to dribble out into the intestines right away, while your denser puree meals will take a little longer to start working out of the pouch.
I had lots of quantity questions when I started. IF you are unsure I'd say make the recipe, measure out 1/4 c. and save or toss the rest. At least for a week or so that will prevent you from possibly taking in too much.
Dr. Wynn & Brett both stressed the 30-45 min thing at my 2 wk apt. What I did was start eating at the computer and jsut taking a bite every 5 min or so. - I read a lot of profiles and messages my first few weeks.
Take care!
Cj B.
on 1/11/04 11:52 am
on 1/11/04 11:52 am
Hi Debbie!!! I know exactly what you are saying - I measure measure measure and there's always more - I knew I should have paid more attention when I was in science class...
Anyway, you've had some excellent answers, that helped me also! I just wanted to let you know I'm there with you girl!! Hang in there, we'll get through it and we can do it!!