New Kid on the Block
Hello Everyone,
I am considering the WLS also....I had my consultation on 1/8/04 (Dr. Wynn's Office) which went very well. I am 36 y/o weighing in @ 398 lbs.
...I highest weight I've ever been.....But I am quite SCARED in the new journey....So any support well be greatly appreciated.....and if anyone knows any types of support groups? But I think I may run into a insurance problem with Conventy
I hear they don't approve this type of surgery.....I am fairly healthy otherwise beside overweight and high Blood Pressure....I just need some guidence from some experts here in my home town.....What to expect? Where do I go from here? Please help! Thanks.
Snuggles R.

Hi Snuggles!
Welcome welcome! Glad you had your consultation, that's a biggie out of the way right there. As far as support groups go you have stumbled on to possibly the best group of people on the planet ( ok so I'm biased
) There is a monthly support group meeting at PMRI..that's the place you will be going to have some of your pre-op work ups done..nutrition class, nurse practitioner, psychologist etc )
We have also set up another site on MSN if you are interested in joining. I have the support group meeting schedule posted there.
Please don't hesitate to ask questions, everyone will be more than happy to help.

Hi, Snuggles...
Welcome to the fam!
You'll find us to be a pretty awesome group (OK, I'm biased like Linda!) lol No, really, this is a fantastic group of people here and I couldn't see moving forward in my journey as successfully without them!
Good luck with your own journey!! And again, welcome.