Tupperware quick shake for protein drinks
Hi guys - a lot of you know I am a Tupperware consultant. I want to pass something along to you if you want it at my cost, no profit, it is just working great for me & someone else so I wanted to share it.
I was using my blender each morning to make my shakes up until our last meeting at PMRI. I didn't have time to make it at home & drink it before I left so I put it in my "Quick Shake" container with a few ice cubes and drank it on the way. Since then I've been using it for my shakes every day. I don't need to wash the blender 2x a day and there is not all that foam the blender makes. I really hated the foam & would try to scoop it off but I also wondered how much protein I was scooping out with the foam.
They retail for $9.00, my cost for them $6.75 plus $1.50 for shipping. So if you want one the total would be $8.25. They come with a life time warrenty too. If you want more then 1 shipping is 10% with a minimum of $1.50.
Just email me if you are interested. I hope this does not bother anyone, I just wanted to pass along what I am finding to be a great WLS product.
I second that!!! I have one that I got from Kathy and I use it everyday!! I love it! I, too, hated that blender foam and scooped it off...I thought maybe I was drinking 'air' and I didn't need that. I love the thin consistancy of the protein drink now and the shaker is great to take to work. Have sent my blender packing.